Ugly truth
Equine images with Crispin Parelius Johannessen, part 1
Moments in time: what the eye can't see
Equestrian photo controversy through the ages
Why do fans of horse sport find it so difficult to believe their eyes when they see photographs of ugly riding? The usual explanation is that you can't make up your mind based on "a single moment in time". But fine art photographer and lifelong horseman, Crispin Parelius Johannesen, offers a different perspective: Perhaps equestrian fans believe too much in moments in time. Perhaps the strict policing of the moments in time published in the popular, equestrian press has given people the wrong idea about what riding really looks like.
In this feature, Crispin Johannessen takes us through a short history of equestrian photography and moment-in-time controversy. From Edweard Muybridge to the present horse welfare debate.